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1650 Gallery's new group show, "The Sea: Above and Below," will be exhibiting my photo

I am proud to be a part of the new show, "The Sea: Above and Below" presented by 1650 Gallery in Echo Park. The opening night reception will be held Saturday, August 27th at 7:30pm. There will be 65 works exhibited by many talented photographers. Come take a look, and buy some art!

1650 Gallery is hosting the juried photography exhibition


All life comes from the sea, and sometimes in August in Southern California it seems like all life has returned to the sea, but no matter, because 1650 comes not to bury the sea, but to praise it! That's right, this month we hit the oceans high and low as we tackle both the underwater and above water aspects of the mighty waters of the world. So whether you prefer to shoot sandy beaches at sunset or coral reefs below the surface, moonlit seascapes with crashing waves on rocks or schools of angelfish hurrying through the salty waters below; this month 1650 has got you covered, not in a rub sunscreen on your back kind of way, but rather with the sea of possibility as we go... ABOVE AND BELOW: THE SEA!

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